2023 Lacrosse Season Recap

And what's next...


Hope everyone has a Happy Memorial Day and has had a great Memorial Day Weekend. Today’s NCAA DI Men’s Lacrosse Championship between the Notre Dame Fighting Irish and the Duke Blue Devils means that lacrosse season is sadly coming to an end. As you know, our focus thus far has been on covering what the best college and high school lacrosse teams are listening to before they compete, so with the season coming to an end, we will be updating our format moving forward until our next sports season (stay tuned for more updates there).

A few things for you before we let you get back to your weekend:


From now until the fall, every Wednesday, you can expect your email from The Warm-Up continuing to bring you the best warm-up mixes out there. The only change is that we are widening our focus to all sports and will be breaking down the best teams’ warm-ups from previous years or interviewing individual athletes as they are training for their upcoming seasons or competing professionally over the summer. If you’re a college athlete or professional athlete and want to share your 🔥 training playlist with us, email us or DM us on Twitter at @thewarmup0.


If you are a lacrosse player and thinking to yourself, I need to get out there this summer and get some wall ball reps in or hit the weight room but don’t have any music to get me fired up for some hard work, look no farther. We have compiled ALL of the music we have covered this lacrosse season into a master playlist AND have them broken out by team on our SoundCloud. Check out the master list here:

From all of us here at The Warm-Up, we sincerely appreciate all of the support from our subscribers this lacrosse season. We’ve had a blast breaking down what different teams are listening to. We’ve found new music ourselves, made new connections, and had a great time bringing you this content. We will continue to give you a peak behind the scenes of what the best are listening to but couldn’t do it without you guys.

Happy Memorial Day.

Until Next Time,

The Warm-Up Team